

This knowledge platform is for companies as well as universities and colleges. The platform operates from TU Delft and cooperates with other universities and colleges.

For businesses

This platform helps your organisation deal more intelligently with raw materials or products. With a rapidly growing number of consumers in the world having more and more to spend, the pressure on raw materials is increasing. The knowledge to make your organisation future-proof is now being developed at universities. This site shows how your organisation can gain that knowledge.

Remanufacturing is important to keep raw materials longer in the loop. In many cases it is financially interesting and reduces risks in supply of materials and half products. This White Paper on remanufacturing for the maritime industry explains more. 

One project that helps companies to use raw materials smarter is Upcycle Your Waste from the Interreg 2 Seas program.

Logo_Upcycle Your Waste (1)

For universities and colleges

Developments in circular economy, lean production, reverse logistics and other disciplines required for sustainable resource management are accelerating. More and more colleagues in the Netherlands are working on this. This platform also ensures that the results of research and development end up in society. This “impact” has become increasingly important for research proposals. Through this platform, you can make contact with other colleagues and get to know them in various meetings, and get help in setting up impact in your research proposal. You can send an e-mail for this purpose, via the “contact” button in the bar.